
21st Century Vomit
3 min readNov 12, 2020

If you would like to know me. This is the best place you could have come. Since the bars are closed and I am locked inside.

Since “free” society has now been etched beside the perceived “outside of society.” Which lines are we to color within? I breathe my reflection.

The “House of Corrections” isn’t taking visitors as of conceived quarantine.

Obviously, this should go without saying but you would have to do something highly incorrect. Something so incorrect you would have to quarantine with the “Criminals” who chose crime as a career; who must be cursing themselves with wishes; they would have hit the federal bank post mask mandate. Apparently if you have a mask on, you can’t catch anything- This includes the police and the criminals who choose to be police officers for a career.

It must be tonight. The woman is a recent mother; We can call her Mary. Her baby, an entity in time. Who is coming into view meanwhile Covid cases rise. That’s what they say but they are NOT even positive.

There have been 250,000+ covid deaths, they never announce how many births. I’ll tell you about one special birth, and no! he has not taken any recent trips to China. He couldn’t even spell Wuhan or point it out on a map, let alone fly there. It’s true he could probably pronounce “Wuuuuuuuhhhhaaaaannnnn!”

Still unconscious of his own thoughts. Unaware of those of us who are not clever with a calendar. Who use pregnancy and birth as a means to measure time and dox him on his birthday. We’ll call the baby, Jesus. Jesus seems like a decent role model. Better than Chuck or Bill… My uncles are just drunks- not even good or interesting ones.

While Baby Jesus is still unconscious of our common ground in that: I am also crawling out of skin; we are both unessential. I am not unemployed but I have been laid off. Tell Jesus if you see him if/when he grows up to pick a good profession. Just don’t become a criminal and don’t become a cop. I’ll spare the ‘love thy neighbor’ business, that’s an affair much too close to home.

Jesus is not old enough to know.

While Jesus was developing in the womb. I have long been unamused. Turning back to narcotics; I will lose custody of Jesus. Hanging in existential boredom from bearing witness to the utter madness of an outbreak of a sickness with a 99% mortality rate. I am not going out on a limb when I say that’s close enough to 100% in my brain. Suddenly careless people decide to care, all the while about all the wrong things. Caring without discretion is what perhaps begets obsession begets hysteria. So on.. Nihilism ought to be more essential than monkeying around with a scalpel; at least*interpretation of nihilism. That will be a post on another day. we will wait until Jesus celebrates Black History month and then we will follow up with my take. If I accidently start a religion, then so be it. Amen.

This is the genesis of this lunatic run-on. Next post will be big. I will gain many followers. It will be biblical.

I am writing this for jesus he will want to know we are the new scribes.

Happy Reading!

is breaking out of a mother tonight, kicking and screaming because a crib in the free world is choice, was conceived



21st Century Vomit

Vulgar Vile Media Pusher(Art).Lost somewhere between Audio & Visual. Author and friend (unknown).I would take a car crash and make it a laugh. Absurdity is all.