21st Century Vomit
4 min readNov 15, 2020


Drugs Won The 2020 Election. (draft)

A community of old widows are busy at their thimbles and I am at the center of their sewing circle. This is a hotspot for Covid-19. Any moment they’re door should be kicked in by police. A cough is a cough, maybe it’s Covid or maybe it’s HIV. All I know is the sewing circles are a hotspot for not only cackling, photos of grandchildren overflowing, but whats more than just a cough also the spread of the latest juicey gossip. Any decent journalist with a pair of ears and a pen should know. (Plus fingers and the rest of the usual suspects.)

So tear yourself away from your Reddit threads and put on some new threads, sweaters stitched from century old quilts your grandfather died in.

Rumour has it, so spread it around! This year “staying at home” & homeschooling and other family tradition values, celebrating the american dream, such as divorce and the judgement that comes from the draconian evangelical wave that has now progressed to the center, and the left has swerved into the Diesel err,. 18 wheeler trailers hauling spools of yarn and spaghetti.

Into the needles eye. it’s hurricane season. down the rabbit hole.

“Dive in me” -K.Cobain

“Incoherency”- general public, or those among who still read.

something about a superhighway… it’s sunday morning.
Get help. Someone should call poison control or the hospital.

broken covid election “stay at home unless you need lobster”

I was at the sewing circle there was tears, there was barely any laughter, and the laughter there was made you feel very uneasy. Like everyone was in on something, only no one was in on anything. This is the brave new world. buckle up nonbinary and sissys. Take your soma. Talk to your therapist. In plastic coat the sofa. keep the dirt concealed. This wasn’t my original idea. I am death. Death was neither my idea.


Voters who sport “I voted stickers” that have never really influenced me or made me feel any more compelled to vote, or detect the objective of this potty trained pride. I must admit as a proud nonvoter who doesn’t feel any such need to advertise my voting tendency (other than here and now I surmised) to differentiate “us and them.”

I will say this I am impressed with their uncoached unorganized majority tendency to cast vote after vote into the bureaucratic compost, finally lended themselves to something worthwhile.

My arsoned and politically divided home away from home, Oregon being a trailblaster for getting somewhere in the war on drugs. Decriminalizing Uppers, Downers, laughers, screamers. You heard that right, you no longer have to be separated from your family and owe the state crippling legal fines and fees for partaking in your own vice, not community vice, get-away. Although it has been decriminalized, this doesn’t mean you will have vendors pushing it, at least not yet. It must first reach the stage of legalization. The Federales may come in, that’s why you should just keep buying smack from a shady dealer instead of a commercial entrepreneur.

Marijuana for recreational purposes is a great campaign gateway to start for decriminalizing and legalizing all of my favorite substances. To first tout heroin well I have my doubts it would get much attention, and it’s only voters would be tripods on the corner of the block, oblivious of these silly competitions.

States that have become “4/20 friendly” legalizing everybody’s best bud include the following: South Dakota, (A state which shamelessly touts it’s meth intake, with the campaign slogan from earlier this year, “Meth We’re on it.” Seemingly backpedaled through the gateway only thereafter deciding to legalize the less harmful and destructive Cannabis.

Also Arizona, Montana, New Jersey, legalized Marijuana, now let’s start shooting for some harder ones next election.

This is humor?

Among these 4 states to legalize, a handful of other states are on their way, one step at a time to decriminalize. Medical value in the voters eyes goes a long way. If only they understood Medicine is medicine whether it’s schedule 1 (schedule 1 drugs come with a “A felony count” for their lack of medical use. Talk about the blurred lines black and white lines of mental treatment. Therapy for depression may find relief with recreational chemistry. Recreation is recreation. Just like volleyball and just like vandalism. When the state separates drugs from crime, they also separate bars from the truly free.

Drugs won the 2020 election, i have seen that headline everywhere, well it’s happened gradually each election has progressed more for the liberation of drugs.

My question for those with doubts is, do you think it can get much worse than 115 opioid deaths a day and jam packed jails and treatment centers. I could write an essay on switzerland but that’s a waste of time. I am not going to change your mind. Only you can. And that is something I spend my time exploring, how to change fellow americans minds, everyone seems to know it all already.

Marijuana is the gateway with the doorman who we ought to tip, who gallops hopscotch on the cobblestone. Pot, the poster child, the mood altering substance we needed for a path to legalizing all drugs. I am hesitant about Methamphetamine being legal. Perhaps a stronger form of adderall would suffice, a clean dexedrine, something non-neurotoxic. Something people’s psychologies will only be tempted in the arena where it’s lauded, by friends, colleagues, PTA meetings, consultants, private eyes, murder-for-hires to keep a sharp mind, who takes speed to calibrate more clearly, and then an avalanche of a wet concrete crash.

I lived in Oregon and folks through buds in my guitar case, they raved it was currency for those whose devalue it through supply, and worth a lot to those new to town and looking for a plug to get high.



21st Century Vomit

Vulgar Vile Media Pusher(Art).Lost somewhere between Audio & Visual. Author and friend (unknown).I would take a car crash and make it a laugh. Absurdity is all.